Oct. 22, 2024

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Ccoconut water is HOT as Pepsis' latest purchase in Brazil demonstrates...........Maybe give some attention to iTi on coconut water!! Thanks in advancve!

  Coconut Water - Nature's own miracle juice ingredient!

Life is hectic enough, and we should be well hydrated while we live it. Every day we lose about 2.5 liters of water through normal sweating, exhalation and elimination. To function properly, we need to replace this daily water loss by consuming beverages and foods. Coconut water is all about hydration. Go ahead, get hydrated and remember that it is nature's own miracle drink. Natural coconut water is the water inside a coconut. It is naturally filtered for nine months through the dense fibers of the coconut creating a nutritious, pure and refreshing isotonic beverage. Coconut water is naturally sterile and has five essential electrolytes, more potassium than a banana, no added sugars, no fat, no cholesterol and no preservatives. It is excellent for replacing lost electrolytes from exercise and illness. Coconut water has literally saved thousands of lives, including many children in underdeveloped countries.

Coconuts are the fruit of the coconut palm, botanically known as cocos nucifera, with nucifera meaning "nut-bearing." The fruit-bearing palms are native to Malaysia, Polynesia and southern Asia, and are now also prolific in South America, India, the Pacific Islands, Hawaii and Florida. Inside a fresh coconut, we can see a thin, opaque almost clear coconut juice or water which has a slight almond flavor. This should not be confused with coconut milk. Coconut water has been used in the tropics as a nutritive and rehydrating agent to restore electrolyte balance in cases of diarrhea (Adams, et al.; 1992). Ordinary water is not effective in treating severe dehydration caused by vomiting and diarrhea. Because of coconut water's unique chemical composition, it is able to rehydrate the body and give it the strength and energy it needs to fight off infection.

Coconut water's properties are now being recognized internationally and it may be marketed in the future as a sports-rehydration drink. In 1998, The Food and Agricultural Organization stated that coconut water is a "natural isotonic beverage", because it has the same electrolyte balance that people have in their blood. It's the fluid of life, so to speak. In fact, during the Pacific War of 1941-45, both sides in the conflict regularly used coconut water - siphoned directly from the nut - to give emergency plasma transfusions to wounded soldiers. Coconut water should be marketed as a natural energy drink for athletes and joggers. A comparison of the coconut water with a regular sport beverage is presented in Table 1 (FAO, 1998)

Table 1

Comparison of the coconut water with regular sport beverage

ComponentSports Drink
Coconut water
Potassium 11.7 294
Sodium 41 25
Chloride 39 118
Magnesium 7 10
Sugars 6 5
Source: (FAO, 1998)

Amazing Facts about coconut water

Coconut water is a superfood filled with minerals, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, and growth factors. It is low in fat and has lesser sugar than most fresh fruit juices. It's naturally inherent and unique combination of nutrients gives it incredible health promoting properties. It does not contain any complex protein so the danger of producing shock is minimal when given intravenously. Researchers have obtained an extract from coconut water and milk called Cocogro, a natural product comprised of plant growth hormones and regulators, which enhances the growth of vegetables, legumes fruit trees, cereal crops, flowering plants, etc. Coconut water has a normalizing effect and gives the body a boost of energy so that it can overcome a number of health related conditions. It is effective in relieving dehydration, fatigue, constipation and other digestive disturbances, kidney and bladder disorders, and vision problems such as glaucoma and cataracts. Coconut water also has an alkalizing effect on the body, helping to counteract or balance the effects of acidifying foods which are so common in our diets today.

Research shows that coconut water can improve blood circulation, lower elevated blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Studies have been so impressive that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States has approved coconut water to carry the claim that it "may reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke."

Table 2 gives the nutritional analysis of the mature and tender coconut.

Table 2

Analysis of Mature and Tender Coconut Water

Coconut Water
Coconut Water
Total solids% 5.4 6.5
Reducing sugars % 0.2 4.4
Minerals % 0.5 0.6
Protein % 0.1 0.01
Fat % 0.1 0.01
Acidity mg % 60.0 120.0
pH 5.2 4.5
Potassium mg% 247.0 290.0
Sodium mg% 48.0 42.0
Calcium mg% 40.0 44.0
Magnesium mg % 15.0 10.0
Phosphorous mg% 6.3 9.2
Iron mg% 79.0 106.0
Copper mg% 26.0 26.0
Source: Satyavati Krishnankutty (1987)


Coconut water serves as a natural reservoir of nutrients and can serve as a natural sports beverage. Dr. Bruce Fife, in an article for the American Chronicle 2008, says that coconut water is one of the healthiest beverages you can consume. It is one of nature's most perfect packages and has numerous medicinal values. Hence, it is considered to be an elixir for mankind and is widely used as a universal drink for various diseases and disorders.


Adams.W et al., Trop Geogr Med 44, 149-53, 1992
Bruce Fife, Coconut Water: A New Health Drink, American Chronicle November 11, 2008
FAO: Agriculture 21, New sports drink: coconut water, October 1998
Joint FAO /WHO standards Food standards Program 21st session of Codex committee of fruits and vegetables, 2002

Currently available in single strength* 55 gallon drums and 6 gallon boxes ex warehouse California & NJ

* FDA APPROVED - this is a low acid product and requires FDA registration

Coconut in Codex : In 2004 Codex regulations on fruit juice at an IFU conference in Stuttgart, Paul Zwicker, head of the IFU codex task force, confirmed that after much deliberation the IFU has decided that coconut water is a fruit juice and is therefore subject to the regulations of Codex.

After numerous meetings and subsequent alterations to the regulations the Codex commission finally adopted the new Codex General Standard for Fruit Juices and Nectars by the end of 2005.

Dr. Kasi Sundaresan, Ph.D
Scientific & Quality Specialist
iTi tropicals, Inc.
30 Gordon Avenue; Lawrenceville, NJ. 08648
800.223.5484- Main Number
609-986-2084- Direct Number
609-987-0252- Fax
Email: kasi_sundaresan@ititropicals.com


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